- The reopening process begins the moment the pool is closed.
- By keeping an eye on the pool over the winter, the reopening process becomes that much easier.
- Snow or rain can raise the water level or sink the cover.
- Since heavy debris can fall in, it is better to remove it immediately than waiting till the spring.
Pool closing time is usually a sa
d time of year as the weather is getting cold, the leaves are changing color and the warm memories of summertime fun are fading away. This is not usually the time of year that people like to think about their swimming pools, but this is really the most important time of the year to pay attention to the pool to avoid unnecessary problems and costly repairs come Springtime.
Pool closing time is usually a sa

The following are generalized instructions on how to properly close an inground and an above ground pool. Please note however, that all pools are somewhat different and your pool may need specific care not mentioned here. If you have any doubts about how to properly close your particular pool then either give us a call or email your query to us. Remember it’s better to be safe than sorry & prevention is better than cure! Locate all your winterising supplies.
This should include: the cover, the water tubes, the plugs for the skimmers and return jets, your winterising chemicals. You will also need an air compressor or a powerful shop vac.
- Backwash the filter very well to clean it out.
- Drain DE filter tanks and leave backwash valve open.
- On sand filters, unplug the filter drain plug and leave off.
- Put drain plug with other removed items in the pump basket.
- Make sure multiport valve has no water in it.
- Blow it out with a compressor or shop vac if necessary.